Wednesday 11 May 2011

Corporate Woman-Groom with power dressing

Power dressing is  an important aspect of the corporate fraternity and with women actively taking a front hold in the corporate sector, it is becoming an extremely important dimension of women’s professional clothing/wear. It is however not necessary that women take to colours that speak of being strictly professional. The workplace is  a vibrant area, what with the the energy and passions of the employees towards  their work. This allows the corporate woman to add a dash of colour and style to her  professionalism.

t is however important that one does not overlook the colours that one picks for the corporate attires. It is advisable that one does not go for very flashy colours, but picks up subdued colours like navy, dark brown, gray and black when it comes to getting fashion acceptance in the corporate sector.
It  may seem to be  a very herculean task for the novice struggling to get accepted in the corporate, but one will know that it is as simple as playing the rules right. One should adopt the look that gives an edge over looking fashionably professional.
You may decide to have a makeover both as the  business professional and as the informal business professional. As the name suggests, the business professional is a conservative corporate dress where as the informal business professional is a relaxed version of the similar business professional look.
A suit with a solid or pinstriped pattern with white and pastel coloured blouses and  a closed heel pump and toes, will give a complete business professional look in a jiffy. On the contrary, informal business suit allows one to incorporate pizzazz and colour to the atttire. It can be a jacket, sweater, blouse style — dresses and skirts in silky prints that team up well with tailored jackets and sweaters.
Moving to the next segment, we have the  casual and chic aspect of corporate dressing that is a form that can be said to be the favourite of criticisms. It draws criticism because it does not follow dressing norms like the professional business and informal business  possess. It may sound to be a contradiction but the casual and chic look does have it’s own set of rules, which if followed can get the professionally casual chic appearance that is flawless and free from  criticisms.
One eager to  get the casual and chic look should  incorporate colourful sweaters and leather blazers. It has to be however professional and  in your attempt to look a part of this segment, you should not look dressed for either a fancy dress competition or for a high profile party. This look  is difficult to flaunt because it does not seem to play with rules that are apparent, unlike the business professional and the informal business professional attire.
One cannot take to mixing and matching clothes because corporate dressing requires one to take or give due importance to the work environment that one is placed into. One should not stray away from the required norms that the work environment requires to have.
Know them all and check out what adorns you as per your individual taste and suitability.These attire segments  will  make you familiar with how exactly a corporate woman should look like.


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