Wednesday 11 May 2011


Jojoba oil is a very good  thing that you should apply on your hair .Jojoba oil can really make your hair look better  and applying it can give you the hair you have been wanting.Here are tips that will let you know hoiw to apply Jojoba oil to your hair and have very good hair.

The first thing that you should do is mix fifty percent of Jojoba oil and fifty percent of over the counter hot oil treatment to make a pre  shampoo conditioner .Apply the oil  one inch below the scalp and work  down.It is advisable that you leave the mixture in for fifteen minutes or for an hour.
You can add two teaspoon of Jojoba oil to your shampoo to enhance moisture.
Jojoba oil can be applied as a conditioner by applying a couple of  drops to your conditioner or you can take it in your hands run your hands and fingers and rub it in your hair before conditioning your hair.This will be very good for your hair.
A very effective thing that you can do to keep your hair away from split ends and frizzing is apply  couple of drops of jojoba oil  to your hair and rub your hands and then apply the oil to the ends of your hair before blow drying.This will not allow you to have split ends in your hair.
If you have trouble with your hair tangles then you can apply jojoba oil to your hair tangles to work out the tangles and avoid hair breakage or damage.This will keep your hair away from  breaking and will make it easier for you to detangle your hair.
The jojoba oil can very effectively keep your hair well.These tips will keep your hair away from troubles.Jojoba oil is very good for your hair. The hair that has  jojoba oil  for it’s care will not have problems.You should  take up to to jojoba oil  if you are eager for good problem free hair.


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