Wednesday 11 May 2011


Being fashionable comes with the risk of committing fashion mistakes if you are not careful about the clothes you pick up.It is said that a man’s fashion statement is easier to maintain but men’s fashion is not free from mistakes. It is the easy side of men’s attire that makes them careless about what they do with the clothes that they have and this carelessness makes them attract fashion mistakes.However, here are some things, that  I have researched you  should not do and these will keep you safe from the fashion mistakes that you may get yourself in.

The first thing you should not do is wear sandals with socks.This is a very wrong mix and match.It does not look good and doing this can easily throw you to the level of being fashionably novice.This can give out very wrong signals about your sense of fashion or clothes.
Do not pick up novelty clothes.It does not look good and it is not fashionably wise.
It is good to have designer labels but you should know that it is not good if you have it across your clothes.It would look good if you wear designer labels that are understated and simple.It looks better than having a designer label across your clothes.
It is important that you do not overlook the sort of bag that you are carrying with you goes with the clothes  that  you are wearing.A wrong bag can actually take away the charm away from your clothes.The bags that you carry it is important that you decide beforehand what to take.
Chunky shoes that are outdated should not be picked up by a man eager to be in sync with fashion.
Clothes  that are not fitting do not make a man look good.It is advisable that you go for clothes that  look good on you.
The fabric that you are picking up for the clothes are imporrtant.You should know what fabric are good and will look good on you.
Apart from these things it is important that the pattern that you pick upo for the clothes go  with you.
It is easy to avoid fashion mistakes if you are aware of them.Do refer to these tips the next time you decide on your attire.It will keep you away from the fashion mistakes that can take you away from maintaining a flawless fashionable display of your clothes.


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